Arranging all visa requires a detailed planning since most of them are only valid for three months. Too short to travel all countries on our way... While travelling we will have to arrange some visa, most of those we will try to get in Teheran.
On beforehand we need at least the following visa: Syria, Iran and Oezbekistan and hopefully also China (6 months, double entry). For Libanon and Turkey a visa is required but can be arranged at the airport or at the border.
At the moment the visa for Syria are in, and our passports are now at the Embassy of Iran in The Hague. With three weeks this will last a bit longer than expected, making the planning for Uzbekistan's and Chinese visa a bit tight but not impossible.
In Teheran we will hopefully be able to arrange a 7 day transit visa for Turkmenistan and also visa for Tadjikistan (including Khorog and Murgab) and Kyrgyzstan.
For the time being things are under control.
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